CAC's Voucher Program
How It Works
Vouchers can provide much needed items to CAC clients in need of assistance. A neighbor can shop the racks of Unique Resale, select clothing that they would feel confident wearing, and then “check out” with the voucher that was given to them by a CAC Case Manager. Depending on the individual needs of each family, a CAC Case Manager may also be able to provide vouchers for household goods and furniture on a case by case basis.
Vouchers are provided at no cost to those who qualify for assistance. This process provides a discreet way for those in need to shop for clothing or household goods, thus upholding one of our core values – protecting the dignity of the individual and giving them the respect we all deserve.
Clothing assistance services are provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Walk-ins accepted, no appointment necessary. Individuals who qualify for assistance may receive a new clothing voucher every six (6) months. Housewares and furniture vouchers are issued by CAC Case Managers on a case by case basis and vouchers are provided based on client need.