Basic Needs Crisis Intervention

Basic Needs Crisis Intervention

Community Assistance Center provides a variety of assistance options to Montgomery County residents that are in financial crisis. Many people in our county are a single instance away from finding themselves in a vulnerable situation that can cause tremendous financial hardship through job loss, reduction of wages, illness, etc. CAC provides assistance to our neighbors in need through a variety of ways, including:

Pop up produce

Basic Needs & Crisis Intervention

• Mortgage/Rental Payment Assistance
• Vouchers for Emergency Shelter
• Assistance with Utility Payments
• Client Choice Food Pantry
• Pop-Up Produce Markets
• Assistance with Prescription Medications
• CARE Kits
• Empowerment Packs
• Vouchers to Unique Resale for clothing
and household goods
• Transportation Vouchers

Information & Referrals

ID Restoration Ministry

in partnership with First Methodist Conroe

This program assists individuals needing to acquire an official state identification (Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, or Social Security Card). Proof of identification is necessary to acquire a job, shelter, collect benefits, and even just to stay out of trouble for failure to provide. For clients who experience homelessness, incarceration, theft or are fleeing domestic violence, obtaining identification is crucial to moving forward.

“I am grateful for all the help. It was a blessing.”


Client Focus









What can we help you with?